Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lord Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama, who was born in Lumbini in Nepal in 563 BC, Later became Buddha which means “the enlightened one” after attaining enlightenment in 527 BC. He is now known as the “Light of Asia” and the “World Peace Messenger”. His father was Suddhodan and mother was Maya Devi.

The Prince Siddhartha left his wife (Yashodhara), his son (Rahul) and the palace when he was nearly thirty in order to achieve something for mankind. The suffering of the people around him forced him to leave the palace and its facilities and became holy man. He suffered a lot in search of enlightenment for six year. He even didn’t have food and sleep. He grew weaker. One day while he was sitting under a holy bo-tree, he understood the cause of human sorrow and adversity.

The truth that he acquired or attained is now known as Buddha’s teaching. They are:

1. The human suffering is always present,

2. The source of suffering is the search for human pleasure,

3. One must be free from suffering by achieving Nirvana,

4. And the way to “Nirvana” is thought understanding thought, speech, action, and means of livelihood (work), effort, recollection and meditation. These eight facts are known as “Eight Fold Path”.

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