Friday, August 20, 2010

transportation of Nepal

Transportation is the medium of carrying goods and people from one place to another place. There are three types of road in Nepal they are metal led roads, graveled roads and fair-weather roads. The length of metal led roads is 4780.91 km, graveled road is 4519.84km and fair-weather is 7533.74 km. It is difficult to construct road in the hilly and the Himalayan region due to steep slopes, cliffs, landslides, deep gorges and rocky terrain. There are also many rivers and streams that needs bridges. During the rainy season, there are floods, landslides and mudslides. These damage roads and bridges. As a result, roads and bridges frequently need repair work, which requires large expenditures. Additionally, it is risky to work during the rainy season. There is difficult life in Himalayan regions.

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